Yearly Archives: 2014


President Hollande promised that “in the coming hours” France will deliver weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq fighting the Islamic State. Interior Minister Cazeneuve said nearly 900 French citizens have traveled to Iraq or Syria to fight, and that some of them have joined the Islamic State.


Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) militants conducted simultaneous attacks against security forces in Datu Piang in Maguindanao. Authorities looked into reports that a German couple kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf may be captive on a southern island. Captured Abu Sayyaf commander Khair Mundos has told authorities that he met last year in Maguindanao with Marwan a.k.a. […]

AQAP bomb kills 13 in Lahj

Thirteen people were reported killed today in Yemen’s southern Lahj province as an IED believed to have been planted by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was being defused.

United States

Defense Secretary Hagel said 130 more US military assessment team members were sent to northern Iraq today; there are currently 250 US military advisers already in Iraq, along with 450 security forces, and 100 troops guarding the US Embassy in Baghdad. A Pentagon official said the US is conducting 50-60 sorties a day in Iraq […]


US military role in its 3rd Iraq conflict unlikely to accomplish much


Iraq militants changing tactics, complicating US airstrike mission


The US targeted an Islamic State mortar pit in an airstrike north of Sinjar. Nine Iraqis were killed in two bombings in Baghdad. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 89 Islamic State fighters in Diyala and 65 more in northern Hillah. The military also claimed it killed 14 more Islamic State fighters while clearing the […]


The head of Lebanese armed forces said the Islamic State had tried to set up a bridgehead in Arsal from which to attack Shiite areas and engulf the country in sectarian strife. French sources said that Saudi Arabian red tape has delayed the shipment of arms from France to Lebanon. The British ambassador conveyed the […]


Pentagon Says Airstrikes Have Slowed but Not Stopped Sunni Militants


Jordanian Salafist leader Mohammad al Shalabi a.k.a. Abu Sayyaf has indicated his support for the Islamic State, and said efforts are being made to resolve the differences between the IS and the Al Nusrah Front. Over the past two weeks, Jordanian authorities have arrested 20 Jordanian Salafists in Amman and Zarqa who are suspected of […]


Meet Haider al-Abadi, the man named Iraq’s new prime minister


The Taliban killed 20 civilians in fighting in Kunduz, and six policemen and three civilians in Ghazni. Afghan officials who were caught in an ambush in Badakhshan were freed by the Afghan military. The NDS captured a Taliban district governor and two suicide bombers in Kandahar.


President Masoum appointed Haidar al Abadi as the new prime minister. Former Prime Minister Maliki said the move is “unconstitutional” and vowed to fight the appointment. The US is sending weapons and munitions to the Kurds. The US launched airstrikes against an Islamic State convoy near Irbil. The Iraqi military said it killed an Islamic […]


Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji said the military’s recent intervention in Arsal “saved Lebanon from a deadly sectarian rift,” and said his priority now was ensuring the return of some 35 security forces abducted by Islamist militants. Palestinian ambassador Ashraf Dabbour claimed that Islamic State militants are not present in the Palestinian refugee camps in […]


Power struggle on Baghdad streets as Maliki replaced but refuses to go