Yearly Archives: 2014


The military claimed it killed 71 Islamic State fighters in Anbar, 17 in Bayji, and five more in Babil. The Islamic State killed five Peshmerga near Baqubah. The US destroyed two armored vehicles and an MRAP in airstrikes near Irbil.


The Islamic State clashed with the Islamic Front and rebels in Aleppo, and arrested and beheaded some of the fighters; clashed with villagers in Hasakah; battled regime forces in Raqqah; raided tribesmen in Deir Izzour; and fought regime forces in Hama. The Islamic State told its fighters in Aleppo that the battle in Dabeq would […]


Kenya police say trail gone cold in ‘white widow’ hunt


Lebanese Army chief Gen. Kahwagi said as many as 20 of the soldiers kidnapped by Islamists in Arsal are missing and possibly dead; 17 other security personnel were also taken captive. Former Free Syrian Army spokesman Ahmad al Qusair, the go-between in contacts of the Muslim Scholars Committee and the militants, said negotiations for the […]


Three security personnel and two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Hadramout. Ansar al Shariah, AQAP’s political front, expressed “solidarity” with the Islamic State after the US launched airstrikes. An aide to former president Salih said the plot to kill the erstwhile leader was foiled.


Maliki finally steps aside as Iraq Sunni leader sees US help


Moroccan police broke up a nine-person Islamic State cell that operated in Tetouan, Fez, and Fnideq and sent fighters to Syria and Iraq. Spanish authorities said the cell also operated in Ceuta.


Tripoli University has closed due to continuing insecurity in the capital city. Ansar al Sharia ignored the Parliament’s call for an unconditional ceasefire in Benghazi and Tripoli. Operation Dignity forces bombed a boat allegedly carrying fighters and weapons from Syria as it approached the port of Derna on Aug. 11; Islamist fighters in the city […]


The US donated 10 tons of personnel protective gear “to support Tunisia’s fight against terrorism and … to help Tunisia succeed in its transition to democracy,” and promised to “make available to the Tunisian Air Force 12 UH-60M Blackhawk helicopters to aid in the fight against terrorism.” A firefight broke out in Fernana on Aug. […]


Security forces sweeping terrorist cells in Tlemcen province killed two terrorists in Ouled Riyah and seized ammunition; the operation began after a tip-off. Algeria opened its borders to Egyptians fleeing Libya; the border to Libya had been closed since May 2013.

United Kingdom

Scotland Yard chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said about half of the estimated 500 British jihadists in Syria and Iraq are from London, and warned that the task of addressing the threat posed by their return to the UK should not be underestimated. UK jihadist Nasser Muthana, an Islamic State fighter, posted photos of IEDs he […]

Al Qaeda

Obama administration shows little urgency for stemming Islamic State violence

The Muslim Scholars Committee and the Lebanese tinderbox

A group of Lebanese clerics with links to Islamist groups mediated a ceasefire between the Lebanese military and fighters from the Islamic Front and the Al Nusrah Front in Arsal, which let as many as 2,000 Islamist fighters escape with over captive 35 Lebanese security forces.


After US troops’ assessment mission, rescue on Sinjar ‘far less likely’


The military claimed it killed 17 Islamic State fighters in airstrikes in Anbar while the Peshmerga said it killed 11 more during operations in Jalawla. Eight Iraqis were killed in two separate bombings in Baghdad.


Twenty people were killed as Houthi rebels clashed with government forces and tribe in Al Jawf in northern Yemen. Three Yemeni explosives experts and 10 civilians were killed in a bombing in Lahj.


Fighting escalated in Tripoli, and the Islamist Misratan forces shelled the largely Zintani-supporting neighborhood of Ghut Shaal. Suspected Islamist gunmen yesterday assassinated Tripoli security head Colonel Mohamed Al Suwaisi, a supporter of Operation Dignity. In Benghazi, Ansar al Sharia forces have deployed to a new checkpoint within striking distance of the Saiqa Special Forces base […]


The Jordanian Armed Forces denied reports that Syrian jets had violated Jordanian airspace. A JAF source warned against the publication of “false news” that can result in harm to the national security.


The Islamic State released a video of seven captured Lebanese soldiers; negotiations for the release of some 35 kidnapped security forces are said to be ongoing. The military court has received the cases of captured Islamist commander Imad Jomaa and nine other militants arrested during recent clashes in Arsal.


Why is Turkey supporting Islamic State fighters in Iraq?–commentary


Sweden’s intelligence service is investigating reports that during a TV interview, an Islamic State supporter from Sweden named Sheikh Ahmed threatened violence in the country and war against Sweden and Europe. An estimated 80 Swedes are said to be fighting for rebel groups in Syria. An Uzbek imam who was shot in northern Sweden in […]