Yearly Archives: 2014


France ‘ready’ for military action in Iraq and Syria


SWAT teams raided a house in Jabal Jofeh in east Amman, arresting six Salafists suspected of recruiting and fundraising for the Islamic State ; they had been under surveillance for a month. Over the past two months, 80 suspected IS members have been arrested in Jordan. Mohammad Shalabi a.k.a. Abu Sayyaf, leader of Jordan’s Salafists, […]


The decapitated body of a man was found in Sheikh Zuweid with a note purportedly from Ansar Jerusalem (Ansar Bayt al Maqdis) accusing the victim of spying for Israel. A gunman opened fire on a policeman’s vehicle in Mansoura, killing his son. Mohammad al Beltagy, secretary-general of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice party, was […]


Islamist militias continued their onslaught in Warshefana in an attempt to capture it; at least 43 people, mainly civilians, have been killed by shelling since Sept. 7. Operation Dignity urged militiamen in Benghazi to turn in their weapons, saying terrorists and criminals from the world over have been drawn to the city. Tebu and Arab […]


The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 12 more terrorists from the Sidi Bouzid area; 12 others were arrested previously in two raids on Sept. 5. Three people were arrested in Kef yesterday for unauthorized use of hunting rifles. The NCA approved four new draft antiterrorism provisions, but faces an uphill battle to complete the […]

Abu Sayyaf

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South


Foreign Minister Lidegaard said about 100 Danish citizens are fighting in the ranks of the Islamic State. A new Danish government report identified five Islamist groups in Denmark: Hizb ut-Tahrir, Kaldet til Islam, Dawah-centret, Dawah-bærere, and Muslimsk Ungdomscenter. The Danish Muslim Council issued a statement denouncing the Islamic State.


Police conducted nine counterterrorism raids in the Brisbane and Logan areas, including at the iQraa Islamic Centre, and arrested Agim Kruezi, 21, and Omar Succarieh, 31, who are suspected of recruiting and fundraising for the Al Nusrah Front in Syria. Succarieh is the older brother of Abu Asma al Australi, who is thought to be […]


The Afghan government claimed the US killed 11 civilians in an airstrike in Kunar. Security forces claimed to have killed 10 Taliban fighters in Kunduz; one security official was also killed. The Taliban killed five policemen in Laghman and another policeman in Kunar.


The US launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State near the Haditha Dam. The Iraqi military claimed it cleared the Islamic State from Barwana near Haditha; the military also claimed it cleared Barwana last week. The Islamic State kidnapped 20 people, including five policemen, in a village near Tikrit.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two soldiers and wounded seven more in a suicide attack and assault on a checkpoint in Hadramout province. Police opened fire on Houthi protesters and killed seven of them after they attempted to storm government buildings in the capital of Sana’a.

United States

President Obama told senior lawmakers he has the authority to carry out the plans for action against the Islamic State that he will announce tomorrow. The family of slain American journalist Stephen Sotloff claimed that his whereabouts in Syria was sold to the ISIS by a so-called moderate Syrian rebel group; the White House denied […]


A suicide bombing in Idlib killed Hassan Abboud, who is the head of Ahar al Sham and the Islamic Front’s political leader, along with more than a dozen other leaders among some 50 said to be attending a meeting. Influential al Qaeda leaders mourned the deaths; one said Abboud had been in direct contact with […]


A Beirut hospital is treating six Al Nusrah Front terrorists wounded during clashes in Arsal last month; three are Lebanese, two are Syrians, and one is a Chechen. One of the six is said to be “very dangerous.” Two rockets from Arsal landed in the Bekaa Valley. One of the Lebanese soldiers abducted by Al […]

Al Qaeda members mourn Ahrar al Sham, Islamic Front leaders on Twitter

Several influential al Qaeda members have used their Twitter feeds to mourn the slain leaders of Ahrar al Sham and the Islamic Front. The jihadists were killed in an explosion earlier today. One well-connected jihadist, who appears to be an al Qaeda media operative, claimed that the head of the Islamic Front had been in communication with Ayman al Zawahiri.

Head of Islamic Front, other senior leaders killed in explosion

The Islamic Front announced today that more than one dozen of its senior leaders were killed in a car bombing in Idlib. Among the slain leaders is Hassan Abboud, who was the leader of Ahrar al Sham and the head of the Islamic Front’s political office. Abboud was especially close to Ayman al Zawahiri’s representative in Syria.


A Boko Haram spokesman reportedly claimed that Bama in Borno state remains in the hands of the terror group. Some 20 policemen are still missing following Boko Haram’s attack on Gwoza last month. Residents of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno, and Yolo, the capital of Adamawa, are apprehensive about Boko Haram’s advance in the northeast. […]


A top Kenyan antiterrorism police official said two German men suspected of membership in Shabaab were being held after arriving in Nairobi from Somalia on Aug. 29. Members of the Mombasa Republican Committee rejected allegations by the chief of police that the group is linked to Shabaab.


Authorities arrested Steven N., 26, Abdullah W., 28, and Abdulsalam W., 23., all German nationals, at Hamburg airport on Sept. 6 on suspicion of membership in Shabaab; they had just arrived from Mombasa in Kenya. Two more Islamist terror suspects were arrested in Simbach am Inn while on their way to Syria; and two German […]

United Kingdom

The UK is sending £1.6 worth of arms and ammunition to the Iraqi government and the Kurdish regional government in Iraq to help them in their battle against the Islamic State. Defence Secretary Fallon described the shipment as “an initial gifting package” sent at the request of the Iraqi government.


UN Security Council to set out plan to stop foreign fighters joining extremist groups in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere