Yearly Archives: 2014

AQAP calls Sunnis to arms

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s latest statement is a sectarian diatribe intended to galvanize the Sunni community to action in light of recent Houthi actions in Sana’a.

Al Qaeda

Obama asks UN to help ‘dismantle this network of death’ in Iraq and Syria

Al Qaeda

Abu Qatada cleared of terror charges by Jordan court and released from jail


Sirajuddine Zureiqat, a spokesman for the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, is said to be now involved in the hostage situation involving at least 21 Lebanese troops kidnapped by the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front. Unnamed militants opened fire on three Army checkpoints in Tripoli, wounding a soldier.


Militants in Benghazi have conducted a number of assassinations over the past few days, killing eight people yesterday alone, and kidnapping a Ukrainian anaesthetist and his wife. Fighting between rival Islamist groups in Derna killed six people. The property of the new Interior Minister was torched in Tripoli and Misrata. The rival government headed by […]


Obama, After Airstrikes in Syria, Says US Will ‘Take the Fight’ to ISIS


US told Iran of intent to strike Islamic State in Syria


The military claimed it killed 19 “suspected terrorists” in a series of airstrikes during the ongoing operation in North Waziristan. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan claimed it executed the suicide attack that killed four people in Peshawar. The target of the attack was a brigadier in the paramilitary Frontier Corps.


The Islamic State overran an Iraqi military base in Saqlawiya in Anbar province. The extent of Iraqi casualties is unclear; upwards of 800 soldiers are said to have been killed or captured during the opening suicide attack, the storming of the base, and while retreating. An estimated 200 soldiers are said to have escaped. Two […]


The US launched 14 air and cruise missile strikes against the Islamic State in Raqqah, Hasakah, and Dier al Zour, and eight more strikes against the Al Nusrah Front and the Khorasan Group near Aleppo. An Al Nusrah commander known as Abu Yusuf al Turki is reported to have been killed. More than 70 Islamic […]


More than 340 people were killed in the past week as Houthi rebels pushed to take control of the capital of Sana’a. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it detonated a car bomb that targeted Houthis near the Yemeni-Saudi border. Local Yemenis said that a drone has crashed in Shabwa province. The German foreign […]


Jund al Khilifah, a splinter group from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb that joined the Islamic State, kidnapped a Frenchman in Kabylie on Sept. 21. The ministry of defense claimed it killed a “leading terrorist” with ties to al Qaeda during an operation in Kabylie.

US airstrikes target Al Nusrah Front, Islamic State in Syria

Jihadists on Twitter have posted pictures of Al Nusrah Front locations struck in the US bombing campaign in Syria. The strikes are aimed at the so-called Khorasan group, which has been planning attacks against the US and its interests, as well as a number of other targets. Jihadists claim that al Qaeda veterans have been killed in the bombings.


A man who had threatened Prime Minister Abbott and was being investigated as a suspected Islamic State terrorist was shot and killed after he stabbed two officers at a Melbourne police station, wounding one of them critically. The government has canceled the passports of over 60 Australians to stop them from traveling to the Middle […]


An angry crowd shot and killed an Ansar al Sharia gunman who had assassinated an army colonel in Benghazi. A prominent Benghazi blogger was killed on Sept. 20. The Libyan Judges’ Association denounced the recent spike in Benghazi murders. Libya Dawn forces attacked Zahra Hospital. The rival Hassi government seized the Oil Ministry. A small […]


Fears in Lebanon rise over Western plans to defeat IS


Egypt’s border with Libya and Sudan ripe for Islamic State expansion