Yearly Archives: 2014

United Kingdom

The Parliament voted to approve the deployment of six Tornado jets to support the air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq. Defence Secretary Fallon said the campaign would be long and would not consist of a “series of immediate hits,” and would be aimed at preventing the “slaughter of civilians” by the terrorist organization. […]


French, US planes strike Islamic State, Britain to join coalition


Hours after tourist killed, France says does not rule out Syria strikes


The US launched 11 airstrikes against the Islamic State in Irbil, Kirkuk, and Baghdad provinces. France also conducted airstrikes in Iraq. Prime Minister Abidi said the Islamic State is plotting attacks in Paris and New York City. The military claimed it killed 18 Islamic State fighters in Jurf al Sakhar. Five people were killed in […]


International coalition airstrikes targeted Islamic State headquarters and facilities in Deir Izzour, including oil wells under IS control; as well as oil refineries in Hasakah. Assad regime airstrikes in Deir Ezzor, Raqqah, Hasaka, Homs, Aleppo, and Idlib have declined over the past two days since coalition airstrikes began. Kurdish YPG forces clashed with the IS […]


US drones killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Shabwa. AQAP claimed credit for the Sept. 22 attacks in Shabwa and Sana’a. The government freed two Iranian Qods Force officers and two Hezbollah operatives.


The Nigerian military claimed it killed Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau’s ‘impersonator.’ The military also claimed that 223 Boko Haram fighters surrendered in Biu and Yadi, and another 45 were captured in Mubi. Boko Haram killed 20 people, including a pastor, in an attack on the villages of Shaffa and Shindiffu in Borno.

Al Qaeda

The “Khurasan Group”: A misleading name in the politics of war


Police said that Abdul Numan Haider, 18, an Islamic State supporter who was shot dead at a Melbourne police station after stabbing two policemen, may not have acted alone. Haider had been investigating the travel plans of Prime Minister Abbott. Islamic State recruiter Mohammad Ali Baryalei reportedly was influenced by the speeches of al Qaeda […]


Sources: Libya asks chemical weapons watchdog to remove stockpile


Belgium, Netherlands to offer fighter jets for ISIS strikes