Yearly Archives: 2014


Iran refused to let in US member of UN nuclear team: sources


Obama to commanders: US will keep making progress in Iraq, Syria


Islamic State fighters executed 15 civilians in Mosul. The Islamic State shot down an Iraqi Army helicopter with a shoulder-fired missile and killed both crewmen near Bayji. The US, UK, and the Netherlands launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State near Fallujah, Ramadi, and Sinjar. Yesterday, the US launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State […]


The Pentagon said coalition airstrikes have pushed some Islamic State fighters out of Kobane, but that the city, and other towns, may still fall to the terrorist organization, as the US does not yet have a “willing, capable” partner on the ground in Syria. Coalition airstrikes targeted the IS with six airstrikes near Kobane, two […]


The US condemned the Hezbollah bomb attack on Oct. 7 that wounded two Israeli soldiers in the Shebaa Farms area near an Israeli outpost. Lebanon accused Israel of shelling with cluster bombs in response to the attack. Hezbollah clashed with the Al Nusrah Front in the Qalamoun area near the Syrian border, reportedly capturing the […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula launched attacks against a Special Forces headquarters, a police station, and two military checkpoints in the city of Baydah. At least 10 police officers were reported killed in the fighting. The attack against the Special Forces headquarters was carried out by a suicide bomber.


Ugandan troops took control of the port town of Barawe from Shabaab. Shabaab fighters left the city and reportedly went to Jilib. The Kenyan military claimed it killed 22 Shabaab fighters during an operation that targeted a “logistics base” in Bula Gadud.


The Algerian military ambushed a group of Islamist “militants” in Biskra on Oct. 6 and killed three fighters. On Oct. 7, the military captured 20 “criminals,” including 12 Sudanese and eight Chadians, in Tiririne near the borders with Niger.


Six “smugglers” who were arrested in Ben Guerdane are now accused of supporting “terrorist” activities. The six men are accused of recruiting Salafists to wage jihad in Libya and Syria. Their group affiliation has not been disclosed.


Boko Haram fighters beheaded seven people in Ngambu in Borno state. A prominent Catholic priest said that Boko Haram has burned down 185 churches and displaced more than 190,000 people from their homes during their recent campaign in Borno and Adamawa. Niger, Cameroon, and Chad said the countries would create a multinational force to battle […]


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) claimed it carried out the Oct. 3 attack in Mali that killed nine Nigerian peacekeepers in Gao. MUJAO’s emir vowed to conduct more attacks against UN peacekeepers in northern Mali.


‘Boots in the air’: US helicopters return to combat in Iraq for first time