Yearly Archives: 2014


The Islamic State executed eight Iraqis near Tikrit and Kirkuk. The US launched one airstrike against the Islamic State near Baghdad. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 30 Islamic State fighters in Anbar and the group’s second in command in Babil and four more fighters.


The Islamic State reportedly captured Kurdish headquarters in Kobane and took over at least 40 percent of the town. Coalition airstrikes targeted the Islamic State in Kobane; IS fighters are said to be raising Kurdish YPG flags to mislead the coalition, and to be wearing YPG uniforms to infiltrate Kurdish areas. The IS battled YPG […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it carried out two attacks in Sana’a over the past two days. An attack on Oct. 10 targeted Houthi leader Ibrahim al Mahtouri with a “sticky bomb” attached to his car. A suicide attack in the capital on Oct. 9 killed dozens of Houthis.


The military claimed it killed Shehata Farhan, a senior leader in Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, or Ansar Jerusalem, during a raid in Rafah. The military also claimed it killed Mohamed Abu Shatiya, an Ansar Jerusalem military commander, also in Rafah last week.


Mohammed Al Zahawi, the commander of Ansar al Sharia in Benghazi, claimed that the city will soon be completely under the control of the Benghazi Revolutionaries’ Shoura Council. An explosion outside a Benghazi hotel killed a man and wounded two others. Pro-government Zintani forces accused Libya Dawn of bombing a key bridge between Jebel Nafusa […]


The government said it repatriated 82 foreigners for “nefarious activities that could undermine the security of Nigeria.” The military claimed to be conducting operations based on “active intelligence on Boko Haram positions” obtained from “a newly established intelligence sharing mechanism.”

United States

The FBI has posted a video showing an American appearing in Islamic State propaganda, in an attempt to identify him. Mohammed Hamzah Khan, a US citizen from Bolingbrook, Ill., was arrested on Oct. 4 at O’Hare Airport as he was trying to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State. US intelligence officials said that […]


The House of Commons authorized the deployment of Canadian troops to join the coalition air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq; Prime Minister Harper said Canadian troops will not be deployed on the ground. He also said Canada will join in coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria only if the Damascus government […]


A suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province. The Taliban claimed the attack on Voice of Jihad and claimed it killed the former chief of police of Nawzad district. Police prevented a suicide attack in Kabul.


An Islamic State suicide bomber killed eight people in Baqubah. The US launched two airstrikes against the Islamic State near Sinjar. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 63 Islamic State fighters, including two senior leaders, in Kirkuk, Hit, Ramadi, and Jurf al Sakhar.


At least 29 people have been killed and dozens wounded in nationwide protests against Turkey’s refusal to assist Kurdish forces against the Islamic State in Kobane. Turkish authorities have detained 16 Kurdish PYD fighters seeking to flee across the Syrian border into Turkey; two of them were unarmed females. Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed leader of […]


King Abdullah II reiterated Jordan’s support for the international coalition against terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Forty Salafists jailed on charges related to Syria threatened a hunger strike in protest against prison conditions. The trials of eight Jordanians suspected of membership in the Islamic State are set to begin on Oct. 13. Police arrested […]


AL Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed nearly 70 people in two suicide attacks in Sana’a and Mukallah. In the capital, a suicide bomber killed an estimated 43 people in an attack at a pro-Houthi rally. In Mukallah, a suicide assault team killed 20 Yemeni soldiers in an attack at a checkpoint outside the city.


Has the US turned off the Islamic State’s oil spigot?


Operation Dignity bombed and sank a ship that was attempting to enter the port of Benghazi, after repeated previous warnings that any ship attempting to resupply the Benghazi Revolutionaries’ Shoura Council would be bombed. Suspected extremists gunned down a popular radio DJ in Benghazi; it is the sixth assassination in the city in the past […]


Ground operation in Syria ‘not realistic’, says Turkey


Officials are looking into the disappearance from their homes in Nice of a family of 11, including a grandmother; the family is said to have gone to Syria for jihad. Over 1,000 French nationals or residents are thought to have traveled to Syria or Iraq to join extremist groups, and at least 350 are believed […]

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hammond said the UK has not ruled out participating in coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria. Defence Secretary Fallon urged other Middle Eastern countries, especially Turkey, to join the battle against the Islamic State, and said Parliament currently is not ready to approve joining coalition airstrikes in Syria; he also stated […]