Yearly Archives: 2014


The Iraqi military claimed it defeated Islamic State assaults on Ramadi and the oil refinery in Baiji, and killed 22 Islamic State fighters in Diyala. The US launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State near the Haditha Dam and Baiji; three Islamic State fighters were reported killed in the attacks.

US drone strike kills veteran jihadist turned senior AQIS official

Sheikh Imran Ali Siddiqi, a senior official in al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), was killed in a US drone strike earlier this month. After 9/11, Imran founded Harkat-ul-Mujahideen al-Almi (HUMA), an al Qaeda-linked group thought to be responsible for an attack on the US Consulate in Karachi and other Western interests.

Al Qaeda external operations leader reported killed

Ahmed Abdulrahman Sihab Ahmed Sihab, who is also known as Abdulrahman al Sharqi, is a senior leader in the al Qaeda council assigned to attack the West and a specially designated global terrorist. Jihadists on Twitter have reported that he was killed, but his death has not been confirmed.


Military chiefs: Islamic State has ‘tactical momentum’


Serious disagreements remain in US-led coalition battling the Islamic State


The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons


Gruesome photos may show ISIS using chemical weapons on Kurds, report says

United States

US and coalition forces carried out 22 airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria, all in Kobane except for one in Deir al Zour; today’s strikes were the most intense targeting yet by the coalition in Kobane. US forces also carried out one airstrike in Iraq against the group. President Obama met with coalition partners […]


The Islamic State killed Ahmed al Khafaji, a member of parliament as well as a senior commander in the Shiite Badr militia, and 20 other people in a suicide attack in Baghdad, and 2 “volunteers” south of Tikrit. Eight Islamic State fighters and two Iraqi soldiers were killed during a clash at a military base […]


Iraq’s Shia militias kill Sunni civilians in retaliation against ISIS, Amnesty says


Syrian National Coalition Fails to Elect New Prime Minister


A farewell to beards: Men shaving to avoid jihadist stigma in southeast Turkey


The Taliban killed 22 Afghan soldiers and policemen in an ambush on a convoy in Sar-i-Pul. The Taliban killed one person in suicide attacks in Nangarhar and Kabul. The Taliban executed a woman in Kunar for spying. Afghan officials claimed that ISAF accidentally killed seven civilians in an airstrike in Paktia.


The Islamic State killed four policemen and a militia fighter in attacks in Samarra. Security forces claimed to have killed “dozens” of Islamic State fighters in Jurf al Sakhar.


Iraq crisis: 180,000 flee IS advance in Anbar, UN says


Turkish sources deny giving Washington the use of bases to fight Islamic State


US and Saudi aircraft conducted seven airstrikes targeting the Islamic State in Aleppo near Kobane and one strike on a garrison in Raqqah; the airstrikes also targeted refineries used by the IS. The Islamic State advanced in Kobane after carrying out a suicide bombing with an armored vehicle and at least one other bombing with […]