Yearly Archives: 2014

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron met with security chiefs today to implement heightened security measures around Parliament and other British institutions following yesterday’s attack on the Canadian parliament in Ottawa. Lawyers for the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that an unpublished UK government report clears the group of alleged links to terrorism. A woman arrested yesterday for suspected terrorist […]


Canada prime minister calls shootings at Parliament, war memorial terrorism


Hit-and-Run That Killed Canadian Soldier Is Called Terrorist Attack


Iraqi military officials claimed an Afghan was among 135 Islamic State fighters killed in an Iraqi airstrike in Baiji. Officials also claimed 27 Islamic State fighters were killed in Sinjar and 32 more while attacking Amriyat al Fallujah. The US launched 12 airstrikes against the Islamic State near the Mosul Dam.


Shabaab stoned an 18-year-old male to death after convicting him of rape in southern Somalia. On Oct. 21, Somali National Army (SNA) soldiers killed seven Shabaab fighters who ambushed their food convoy in the Beledweyne area. Three SNA soldiers were wounded.


In the wake of recent political freedom in Tunisia, the country has “sent more foreign fighters than any other country to Iraq and Syria to join the extremist group that calls itself the Islamic State.” Elections and security in the western city of Kasserine are imperiled by the growth of jihadist groups in the area. […]


Libyan government forces allied with rebel militia forces under General Khalifa Haftar are mounting an offensive to retake Tripoli from Islamist forces that captured the capital in August. On Oct. 21, Libyan special forces halted an offensive by Islamist militias aiming to take the airport in the city of Benina.


The Algerian Army arrested two terrorists last week, including a Mauritanian member of a terror group affiliated with the Islamic State. On Oct. 20, Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal rejected the idea that the Islamic State has a presence in Algeria.


On Oct. 19, French forces captured three men and seized an arms cache in a raid in the town of Kidal in northern Mali. The suspects are believed to be tied to a rocket attack on a UN base there on Oct. 7. The following day, French counterterrorism forces “issued a firm warning to the […]


A court acquitted 10 men who had been jailed for raising funds for a Denmark-based Kurdish TV station that were sent to the Kurdistan Workers Party. Danish military aircraft began targeting the Islamic State in Iraq on Oct. 20. Although more than 100 people have left Denmark to fight in Syria and Iraq, authorities have […]

United Kingdom

Police arrested a woman in Bedfordshire and a man in London, both on suspicion of jihadist activity linked to Syria; the cases were said to be unrelated. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Hogan-Howe said that 500 Britons have traveled to Syria to fight. Police have made over 218 terrorism-related arrests this year; 16 people have been charged […]


Authorities placed parts of central Ottawa on lockdown after gunfire erupted at the National War Memorial and Parliament Hill; a soldier was shot dead at the War Memorial. One gunman, Michael Joseph Hall a.k.a. Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Muslim convert, was killed, and others are being sought. Officials have not yet disclosed the nature of the […]


Islamic State imposes new rules on education in Syria, Iraq


Renewed war on terrorism brings new challenges to Canadian police


The Pakistani military claimed it killed 30 Taliban fighters, including a commander named Daud Matta, in airstrikes in North Waziristan. The US added South Waziristan Taliban commander Khan Said to the list of global terrorists. The Taliban in Bajaur threatened polio vaccination workers. The Taliban in Khyber threatened to destroy the homes of tribesmen who […]


The Taliban killed four soldiers in an IED attack in Kabul. The Ministry of Defense said that 950 soldiers were killed while fighting the Taliban in the past six months. The military claimed it killed 38 Taliban fighters during operations in Kandahar. Last year, poppy cultivation in Afghanistan reached an all-time high.


The Islamic State killed 18 Iraqis in three IED attacks in Baghdad. Yesterday, the Islamic State launched a series of attacks against Kurdish forces in northern Iraq, including a suicide bombing that killed six Peshmerga near the Mosul Dam, and killed 15 more people in car bombings in Karbala. The US launched three airstrikes against […]


Canada police say they were tracking man who killed a soldier


Officials: ISIS forces launch multiple attacks in Iraq