Yearly Archives: 2014


The RCMP is monitoring 93 “high-risk travelers” who may pose an extremist threat but has not arrested any of them in the wake of two terrorist attacks this week. Ottawa shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was not on the list of high-risk travelers, although he had recently tried to travel to Syria and allegedly had jihadist connections […]


Turkish and American officials are investigating letters containing an unidentified yellow powder that were sent to the consulates of the US, Belgium, Canada, France, and Germany in Istanbul; nine people have been sent to the hospital for observation. Turkish media reported that Basil Hassan, a Dane wanted by Denmark for attempting to kill writer Lars […]


King’s College in London estimates that one British jihadi is killed in Syria or Iraq every three weeks. US officials stated that the town of Kobane is less likely to fall to the Islamic State and the “battle line has kind of stabilized” since Kurdish forces received US air support. Smugglers are selling passage into […]


Kenyan Defense Forces and Somalia National Army soldiers claimed to have killed over 80 “Shabaab militants in an offensive in Jamaame and Magambo areas near Kismayu in Somalia.” Shabaab fighters attacked government forces near Afgoye district in the southeastern portion of the country. Somalia’s ambassador to Ethiopia has stated that the terrorist group is greatly […]


An attack on an Egyptian Army post on the Sinai Peninsula has killed 25 and wounded 20. Multiple reports assert that it was the result of a suicide bombing, though one “top official” claimed that the location was hit with “a mortar round and rocket-propelled grenades,” causing a secondary explosion. Meanwhile, “at least four” masked […]


Security tight in Canada as police probe Parliament gunman’s ties


Tunisian forces stormed a home held by armed militants in Tunis and killed six people, ending a day-long stand-off that began with an antiterrorism raid and gunfight that killed one policeman.


The Libyan military and the secular militia forces of Major General Khalifa Hafter conducted raids on the homes of Islamist militia leaders in Benghazi on Oct. 23, resulting in 29 deaths. An estimated 149 have died during fighting in the last week. According to one report, the Libyan Army met little resistance when it first […]


Despite yesterday’s bombing and the kidnapping of 60 additional women and girls by Boko Haram on Oct. 22, an official with Chad’s foreign ministry has asserted that the deal between the terrorist group and the government of Nigeria to free the 219 girls kidnapped in April will go forward.


Ground offensive against Islamic State months away in Iraq: US


US watchdog: Afghanistan poppy production at record levels despite counternarcotics efforts

United States

US officials plan a federal court prosecution for Irek Hamidullan, a veteran jihadist from Russia who led attacks on US troops in Afghanistan. He is thought to have links to Islamist fighters in Chechnya. Abu Omar Aqidi, a senior member of the Al Nusrah Front, said Islamic State hostage Peter Kassig, an American medic, had […]


Ottawa shooting suspect taught two young men about Islam while living at homeless shelter, witnesses say


Prime Minister Harper called yesterday’s shootings in Ottawa at the War Memorial and Parliament Hill a terrorist attack, and vowed to strengthen Canada’s antiterrorism laws. The attacker, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, was shot dead by security officials after he had fatally shot a Canadian soldier and fired shots inside Parliament. It is still unclear whether Zehaf-Bibeau, who […]


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights estimated that 553 people have been killed in airstrikes since the start of the US campaign on Sept. 23. The total includes 464 Islamic State fighters, 57 members of the Al Nusrah Front, and 32 civilians. Turkey’s president revealed that a deal has been struck for 200 Iraqi Kurdish […]


A new anti-terrorism bill that “would boost the powers of security officials and police” was submitted to Somalia’s Federal Parliament yesterday and is slated for debate.


The militant group Ajnad Misr, or Soldiers of Egypt, has claimed responsibility for the bombing at Cairo University on Oct. 22. Six police officers and five civilians were wounded in the attack.


Two shootouts with “suspected militants” just prior to Tunisia’s national election left two people dead, including a policeman and a bystander, and one policeman injured.


Libyan Army troops and militia forces under retired Major General Khalifa Haftar moved to retake Benghazi for the first time in two months. A special forces brigade and a tank brigade are meeting resistance from Islamist forces in the western portion of the city. The Libya Herald reported that Mohammed Al-Zahawi, leader of Ansar al-Sharia, […]


Despite a reported ceasefire brokered between the Nigerian government and Boko Haram that would include the release of 219 school girls kidnapped in April by the terrorist group, an explosion killed 5 and wounded 12 near a bus station in northern Nigeria today. On Oct. 22, Boko Haram raided Waga Mongor and kidnapped an additional […]