Yearly Archives: 2014


Suspected al Qaeda fighters kidnapped 10 children and killed two others who tried to escape near the towns of Aguelhoc and Kidal in northern Mali. The government has indicated that it is stepping up security after a suicide attack on Nov. 21.


Boko Haram is suspected in an attack that killed 50 fishermen and farmers in the northeastern village of Doron Baga in Borno state. The Akwa-Ibam state police commissioner has warned of violence during the upcoming general election “if politicians do not obey the rules governing electoral process.”

United Kingdom

Metropolitan police commissioner Hogan-Howe said the police have stopped “four or five” terror attacks already this year, in comparison to one per year in recent years. He estimated that 500 people have left the UK to fight for extremist groups in Iraq and Syria. Khalid Mahmood, a Muslim MP from Birmingham, said 2,000 is a […]


Turkey training Kurdish peshmerga forces in fight against ISIS


Combatting ISIS requires ground forces: Saudi Prince Miteb

United States

In recent weeks, President Obama quietly broadened the US mission in Afghanistan in 2015, authorizing US forces to conduct missions against the Taliban and other groups that threaten Afghanistan, the US, or Coalition forces and to support Afghan troops in combat missions. US troop levels in Afghanistan, to be reduced to about 4,900 by the […]


Thousands of Iraq Chemical Weapons Destroyed in Open Air, Watchdog Says


Shabaab gunmen killed 28 non-Muslims, including nine women, after ambushing a bus in Mandera near the border with Somalia. Shabaab claimed the attack, saying it was retaliation for government raids in Mombasa earlier this week. The Australian Navy intercepted a shipment of $155 million-worth of heroin off the East African coast on Nov. 17; Australian […]


The Interior Ministry now estimates that 550 people have left Germany to fight for extremist groups in Iraq and Syria, up from an estimate of 450 a few days ago. Authorities are also monitoring 230 other people who are considered possible threats in Germany.

United Kingdom

Two Londoners, Abu Abdullah al Habashi and Abu Dharda, are reported to have been killed while fighting for the Islamic State in Syria. West Midlands counterterrorism police arrested a suspected terrorist from Coventry at Heathrow Airport on Nov. 20 upon his arrival from Jordan. A powerful explosion shook a central London hotel last night, injuring […]

United States

CENTCOM said US and partner nations have carried out seven airstrikes in Syria and 23 in Iraq against the Islamic State since Nov. 19. Vice-President Biden met with Turkey’s prime minister in Ankara about the campaign against the Islamic State.


The Edmonton police chief asked for counterterrorism training for his frontline officers. The newly released annual report of Canada’s Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre indicated that 234 of 1,143 intelligence disclosures to police and security agencies this past year involved terrorist financing or threats to Canadian security.

United Kingdom

A judge ordered that extremist cleric Anjem Choudary and six other Islamist associates be allowed to preach publicly while out on bail. Ofsted found that six Muslim schools in east London are putting their students at risk of Islamic radicalization, and threatened to close the schools if changes are not implemented; the four secondary and […]

AQIS announces death of 2 senior leaders in US operation

Adil Qudoos was a former major in the Pakistani Army; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planner of the 9/11 attacks, was arrested at Qudoos’ home in 2003. The second jihadist leader, Dr. Sarbaland, served as a surgeon and senior propagandist for al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent.