Yearly Archives: 2014


Why some Arabs are rejecting strict interpretations of sharia


Kenyan security forces pursued Shabaab forces to their camp in Somalia and killed “more than 100,” according to Kenya’s deputy president. The operation was in response to the terrorist group’s attack on a Kenyan commuter bus on Nov. 22.


Egypt will partially reopen the Rafah border crossing linking the Sinai to Gaza on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26. The government has revoked Egyptian citizenship for a Palestinian Salafist for “links to foreign entities that seek to undermine the social and economic order of the state.”


An airstrike hit the Mitiga airport in Tripoli for the second day in a row; the forces of general Khalifa Haftar claimed the attack on Nov. 24. Libyan Air Force planes also bombed a Libya Dawn camp in Sabratha. Haftar’s troops and other pro-government forces took the western town of Kekla from Islamist militias. The […]


Beji Caid Essebsi, a candidate from the secular Nidaa Tounes party, won the most votes in the country’s presidential election. The 39.4% is short of a majority, however, and Essebsi will face a run-off with incumbent President Moncef Marzouk in December.


“Four terrorists dressed in Afghan-style clothes” and armed with Kalashnikovs stole a vehicle in Bouira and then fled on Nov. 21. Two “terrorists” were killed in Tipza; “guns, ammunition, mobile phones and other equipment” were captured, according to the government.


Two female suicide bombers detonated explosives at a market in Maiduguri city in northern Nigeria, killing at least 30 people. Boko Haram gunmen killed “scores of residents in Damasak” in Borno state; hundreds of civilians and soldiers are fleeing the city disguised as traders. Nigeria’s top Muslim cleric has criticized the military for running away […]

United Kingdom

A government report on the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby found that the one of the murderers, Michael Adebolajo, had been the subject of five MI5 investigations prior to the crime, including one involving an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) plot against the West in 2011. The report also found that the […]


Turkey, US ease strains on Islamic State but differences remain


Nations Ponder How to Handle European Fighters Returning From Jihad


Islamic State toughens tactics in Iraq’s Anbar, targeting potential enemies

United States

CENTCOM said the US and partner nations have carried out nine airstrikes in Syria and 15 in Iraq against the Islamic State since Nov. 21. Defense Secretary Hagel tendered his resignation, reportedly after pressure by the Obama administration. Officials questioned and released a suspect, said to be a Saudi college student, who triggered a four-hour […]


French jihadist Mickael Dos Santos and his mother denied that he was featured in a recent Islamic State video as an executioner. The mayor of the small town of Labastide-Rouairoux in southern France identified French jihadist Abou Ossama Al-Faranci as appearing in the video, and noted that he had left Toulouse for Syria about a […]

United Kingdom

Home Secretary May warned that the UK is facing its biggest ever threat of terrorism, and said authorities have foiled some 40 major terrorist plots since the July 2005 subway bombings. She is proposing new antiterrorism legislation, including measures to require schools, colleges, and probation providers help prevent radicalization. A senior antiterrorism official said that […]


Kenya bus attack: Military ‘kills 100 Shabab militants’


Three unexploded bombs were discovered on railway tracks from Cairo to Aswan after a fourth bomb exploded near a southern train station, leaving behind a charred body presumed to be the bomber. The Egyptian Army killed seven and arrested 67 suspected militants during anti-terrorism operations in the Sinai. Hamas has denounced an Egyptian lawsuit to […]


Voting has begun in Tunisia’s historic presidential election. Tunisian security forces are mobilizing “90,000 personnel to secure polling stations and vital government buildings.” Voting was delayed two hours in “the volatile areas near the border with Algeria” due to terrorism concerns.