
The Defense Ministry said two French fighter jets along with other coalition aircraft struck Islamic State trenches around the Iraqi city of Kirkuk, creating a breach in the terror group’s frontlines. Foreign Minister Le Drian said France will send six Rafaele fighter jets to be based in Jordan, bolstering the French air forces that already include nine fighter jets based in the United Arab Emirates. A Paris prosecutor identified Muslim convert Mickael Dos Santos in addition to Maxime Hauchard as participants in an Islamic State execution video; the two French nationals are being investigated for crimes including murder and membership in a terrorist group. Prime Minister Valls said 50 French nationals have died in Syria. Officials estimate that over 1,132 French nationals have joined terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, and that 376 are actively fighting there. Of those 376 combatants, 23 percent are said to be Muslim converts.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
