
Coalition warplanes struck at targets in Deir Izzour, where the Islamic State is reportedly paying children to publicize the group; in Aleppo; in Hama near Morek, where regime forces are fighting the Islamic Front; in Hasakah, where 30 non-Syrian IS fighters were killed; in Idlib, reattacking Salma; in Latakia; and in Reef Dimashq. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front, joined by the Ansar al Din Front and rebels, clashed with regime forces in Aleppo; Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front also battled regime forces in Deraa; and the Islamic Front fought regime forces in Quneitra. Yesterday regime forces clashed with the Islamic State in Deir Izzour city, and as the number of IS shells falling on Kobane rose past 80 in one day, Turkish border guards reportedly prevented some 3,000 displaced Kurdish civilians from fleeing into Turkey.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
