
A female Kurdish YPG commander carried out a suicide bombing against an Islamic State position outside Kobane. Another female Kurdish fighter near Kobane killed herself with her last bullet to avoid being taken captive by the IS. Turkey has closed the border crossing at Kobane, while clashes continue and IS is using heavy weapons. Coalition airstrikes near an IS prison in Hasakah allowed as many as 16 inmates to escape. Coalition aircraft targeted the IS in Aleppo near Kobane; in Hama near Morek; in Idlib at Saraqeb and Khan Shekhon; and in Reef Dimashq in eastern Ghouta. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Aleppo; in Damascus; in Deraa; and in Quneitra. Rebels battled alongside Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front in at least three of those four provinces.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
