
A double suicide car bombing attack on Saiqa special forces and Operation Dignity troops at Benghazi’s Benina airbase has killed at least 12 people and wounded 60. Islamists also killed four troops in a separate clash in the city. The Rafallah Al-Sahati Brigade, which is part of the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shoura Council and closely linked to Ansar al Sharia, has indicated support for the Benina attack. Grand Mufti Ghariani urged Islamist forces in Benghazi and Sebha to crush “outlaws” with “an iron fist.” Murders continued in Benghazi. Militants in Ajdabiya released 30 Egyptian truckers who had been held hostage while their captors demanded the release of three Libyans jailed in Egypt for weapons smuggling.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
