
The Army defused a 100-kilogram car bomb in a vehicle parked near a military checkpoint in Arsal; the Army had targeted jihadists in the area the night before. At least four Hezbollah fighters were killed in fighting against jihadists in a Bekaa Valley town. A Hezbollah official claimed that the group is coordinating with both the Syrian and Lebanese armies regarding security on Lebanon’s eastern border, and said that the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State are working together in the Qalamoun area even though they are rivals for territory in Syria. Maronite Bishop Rai urged the world to mobilize against the Islamic State, as its threat extends beyond the Middle East, and noted that Pope Francis has stated that “Christians have never been as persecuted as they are today.” Foreign Minister Bassil said the Islamic State must be defeated, not contained.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
