
The Al Nusrah Front threatened Sunnis that they will “pay the price” if they support the Lebanese Army in its fight against “your brothers, the mujahideen.” Al Nusrah and the Islamic State are said to have told Qatari mediators that they want $5 million and the release of 400 Islamist inmates from Lebanese jails in exchange for releasing kidnapped Lebanese troops. Gunmen reportedly clashed with Hezbollah fighters on the outskirts of Arsal, just hours after the Islamic State claimed to have beheaded another captive Lebanese soldier. Gunmen broke into the house of Deputy Speaker Makari in Anfeh, beat and tied up the guards, and stole two rifles. A Syrian gunman was killed after attacking an army intelligence patrol in al Qaa. A second shipment of arms and ammunition arrived from the US for the Lebanese Army.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
