
Syria’s UN envoy said the Al Nusrah Front has seized all of the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, and that Al Nusrah militants are using UN vehicles, weapons, uniforms, and fighting positions against civilians as well as Syrian forces; he accused Qatar, Israel, and Jordan of allowing Al Nusrah to use the safe zone as a base from which to attack and destabilize Syria. The UN said the recent advance of “armed groups” had forced it to withdraw from the area. Syrian warplanes targeted Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front in the Golan area of Quneitra. The Ajnad al Sham Islamic Union began targeting presidential, security, and military areas in Damascus. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front fought regime forces in Damascus. Al Nusrah agreed to meet the Syrian Revolutionaries Front in court in Idlib after clashing with the SRF in Hafer Saja. The Islamic State shot down a Syrian fighter jet that was conducting airstrikes over Raqqah city, the first such downing of regime aircraft. The IS also clashed with Kurdish YPG forces in Aleppo, and released a member of Al Nusrah’s sharia committee in Deir Izzour.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
