
The Syrian Revolutionaries Front displayed the dead bodies of two members of a four-man suicide bombing team who had tried to attack the SRF in Idlib. A regime airstrike on a dormitory at an IS training camp in Tibni in Deir Izzour killed 17 militants and a child. The IS issued a set of rules for Raqqah City, “the Stronghold of the Islamic State in Syria,” declaring among other things that those who insist on apostasy will be murdered. The Kurdish YPG battled the IS in Hasakah. Militiamen in Reef Dimashq killed a member of the national reconciliation team along with his son and his brother. A suspected suicide bomber was executed and crucified by the Islam Army in Reef Dimashq. The Al Nusrah Front and an Islamic battalion clashed in Idlib. The Syrian National Coalition announced a plan to revamp and restructure the Free Syrian Army; SNC head Hadi el Bahra said the group would fight against both the Islamic State and the Assad regime.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
