
The Shura Council of Islamic Youth publicly executed an Egyptian man in a Derna football stadium filled with applauding spectators; the al Qaeda-linked group similarly executed two men in Derna on July 27. Clashes between Islamists and pro-government forces continued in Benghazi, where Operation Dignity sources said reports that Benina Airport had fallen were false, and claimed that Ansar al Sharia is forcing Buatni residents from their homes. Fighting continued for the fifth week in Tripoli, where shells fell in residential areas. Awlad Suleiman tribesmen tried to prevent the Sebha Municipal Council from announcing Sebha’s support for the Islamist coalition Libya Dawn. Rumors emerged that Sudanese mercenaries have flown into Kufra en route to Benghazi to support Ansar al Sharia.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
