
The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Hasakah; in Deir Izzour, where regime aircraft dropped flyers congratulating tribes who are battling the Islamic State; and in Raqqah, where the IS is preparing to storm the Al Tabaqa military airport. The Al Nusrah Front clashed with the Islamic Front in Hama near Morek; and was targeted by regime airstrikes near the Bab al Hawa crossing in Idlib. The Islamic Front battled regime forces in Damascus, Reef Dimashq, Deraa, Idlib, and Quneitra; and fought regime forces and the Islamic State in separate clashes in Aleppo. Al Nusrah released a video of spokesman Abu Firas al-Suri explaining that the group does not plan to create an emirate in the traditional sense but rather a means of administering the “liberated areas” under a Shariah Arbitration Charter, noting that 14 groups in Hama alone have agreed to it. He also said Al Nusrah will not be like the Islamic State, which made fighting “apostates” such as Al Nusrah a priority over fighting “original disbelievers” such as the Assad regime.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
