
Security forces arrested three terrorists last night in Régueb in Sidi Bouzid; they are allegedly associates of Afif Lamouri, an Ansar al Sharia leader in Sidi Bouzid who was arrested on July 31. A Tunis court today issued a warrant for the arrest of Lamouri, a communications official for the terror group. Security forces raided the Kasserine home of Mourad Gharsalli, said to be a leader of the Islamist forces in Jebel Chaambi, but he was not there. Operations are continuing in Jebel Sammema. Nine Algerian terrorists are said to have entered north Jendouba. The governor of Monastir suspended eight organizations for Salafist links, and said one was connected to recruiting fighters for Syria. A committal order was issued against Seifeddine Rais, an Ansar al Sharia spokesman who has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
