
The Islamic State carried out a suicide car bombing at a tribal checkpoint, and clashed with tribal gunmen and regime forces in Deir Izzour; and arrested Islamic Front fighters accused of stealing electricity in Aleppo. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Hama near Morek, and also clashed with regime forces in Aleppo. Al Nusrah carried out a suicide car bombing of a regime checkpoint in Idlib. The Islamic Front also fought regime forces in Deraa, Reef Dimashq, Hama, Latakia, and Quneitra; and killed and wounded civilians by rockets and shelling in Aleppo and Idlib. State media said security forces destroyed a 100-meter terrorist tunnel in Aleppo, and that a UN convoy distributed aid to over 600 Iraqi refugee families in Hasakah.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
