Monthly Archives: August 2014


President Hollande’s office said France would soon beginning delivering first aid supplies to civilian victims of the Islamic State in Iraq. A French diplomatic source yesterday said France might offer technical support to Kurdistan forces but not military assistance.


US Military Aircraft Drop Food, Water to Iraqis for Second Night


Fear of ‘Another Benghazi’ Drove White House to Airstrikes in Iraq


Turkey downplays Islamic State threat, but concerns grow


The US military launched airstrikes against Islamic State convoys and mortar positions near Irbil. President Obama authorized airstrikes against the Islamic State if the group threatened the Kurdish capital or impeded humanitarian operations in the Sinjar Mountains. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 13 Islamic State fighters near Baqubah.


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces in Hasakah; in Deir Izzour, where regime aircraft dropped flyers congratulating tribes who are battling the Islamic State; and in Raqqah, where the IS is preparing to storm the Al Tabaqa military airport. The Al Nusrah Front clashed with the Islamic Front in Hama near Morek; and was […]


Residents began returning to Arsal, and security was stepped up in the town, after Islamist militants withdrew following a ceasefire. Reports said that the Al Nusrah Front militants left town and the Islamic State militants crossed over into Syria. The militants are said to be holding at least 35 Lebanese security forces as hostages, divided […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters kidnapped 14 soldiers who were traveling on a bus from Hadramout to Sana’a, and executed them. The military sent reinforcements to the town of Qatn in Hadramout after heavy fighting in the area. AQAP threatened to “punish” prosecuters and other legal officials who rule against the group.


US expands airstrikes against Islamic State militants in northern Iraq


The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 21 people belonging to five armed groups linked to Ansar al Sharia, after raids in Tunis, Soukra, Dar Fadhal, Raoued, and Kram. The suspects were allegedly planning attacks, including “bombing of civil security and military targets,” on politicians, security officials, journalists, and “sensitive sites” in Tunis. Security forces […]


Operation Dignity forces claimed to have killed 70 Islamist fighters from Ansar al Sharia and the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shoura Council with airstrikes as they advanced towards Benina airbase, and to have captured 17 more. Islamist Misratan fighters reportedly retook Camp 27 outside Tripoli yesterday. Clashes spread from Tripoli west towards Zawiya, the site of a […]


US bombs Islamic State after Obama call to prevent Iraq ‘genocide’


Najaf takes in Christians displaced by Islamic State


Bahrain bans three clerics from preaching; opposition condemns move

United Kingdom

British authorities said RAF planes will soon begin dropping food rations to Iraqi refugees threatened by the Islamic State; they also indicated that the UK will support the US with surveillance and refueling in its planned airstrikes on the militants in Iraq. The Prime Minister’s office said the UK is not planning a military intervention […]


Antisemitism on rise across Europe ‘in worst times since the Nazis’