
Imad Jomaa, an Islamist commander captured on Aug. 2 in Arsal, reportedly confessed that he had been tasked with coordinating the takeover of Arsal and other Lebanese towns in the Bekaa Valley and the north so that an Islamic emirate could be established in the area with Abdullah Azzam Brigades spokesman Sirajeddine Zureiqat as its emir. The battle, which allegedly also involved Abou Malek al-Souri, emir of the Al Nusrah Front in Qalamoun with 29 armed groups under his command, started three days earlier than planned, when Jomaa was captured. The plot also aimed to capture male and female Hezbollah sympathizers and as many Lebanese troops as possible, and to spark instability. An Al Nusrah commander said the group may “resort to the military option” to free detained jihadists from Roumieh Prison. Six Syrians were detained for writing “ISIS” on a rock, and three others were arrested for links to the Al Nusrah Front.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
