
A joint Warshefana and Zinanti force took Camp 27, a military base that had fallen into the hands of Islamists, from the Libya Shield, in an attack that left eight fighters dead and 60 wounded. The joint force yesterday destroyed a base in Janzour used by the Fursan Janzour Brigade, which is allied with the Islamist forces. Suspected Ansar al Sharia militants abducted five TV crew members who had been covering the opening of Parliament in Tobruk. Despite an Islamist boycott of proceedings, lawmakers elected Ageela Salah Issa Gwaider from Guba in eastern Libya as the new head of the House of Representatives. Egypt recently said immediate international intervention may be necessary in Libya as Islamist “statelets” in the east are threatening Egypt’s security.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
