
The Islamic State took over a number of villages near Ayn al Arab in northern Aleppo after YPG fighters withdrew. Islamic fighters and rebels battled both regime forces and the IS in Aleppo. The Al Nusrah Front clashed with Qabdat Al Shamal battalions and Omar Al Faroq battalions in Soran E’zaz in Aleppo over Al Nusrah’s going to the Turkish border to deal with abusive fighters and smugglers. The IS clashed with the Islamic Army in Reef Dimashq, and lost over 20 fighters to a regime air raid in Raqqah. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front fought against regime forces in Quneitra, Hama, and Reef Dimashq. In Deir Izzour city, the IS battled Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
