
The Islamic State took over the al Tanak oil field in eastern Deir Izzour, and is also advancing north up the Euphrates River toward the Turkish border. Elsewhere in Deir Izzour, 30 IS fighters broke out of an Al Nusrah Front jail in Al Hawayej, and residents of Al Shhil have turned over their weapons to the IS and begun vacating the city. The IS clashed with regime forces in Raqqah; battled the Army of Islam in eastern Ghouta in Reef Dimashq; and clashed with Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front in Aleppo, where it also clashed with Kurdish YPG forces near Ayn al Arab and took over the village of al Zyara. Worshipers in mosques in Manbej city and Al Bab city reportedly swore allegiance to Emir al Mu’eminin al Baghdadi. Al Nusrah, Jaysh al Mujahedeen, Jaysh al Muhajireen, the Islamic Front, and rebels battled regime forces in Aleppo, where regime forces have lately made gains. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Homs and Deraa. The Islamic Front also fought regime forces in Hama, Reef Dimashq, and elsewhere in Deraa.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
