
The government legalized the ownership of firearms. The central bank said individual travelers cannot take more than $10,000 in or out of the country. The spokesman for Khalid Haftar’s forces said Turks had been “too quick” to leave following an ultimatum issued last week to Turks and Qataris in eastern Libya. Ali Al-Sanani, a well-known member of Ansar al Sharia, was shot and killed in Benghazi on June 29. Husam Al-Naili, a top official in the Islamist Justice and Construction Party, is said to have been kidnapped on June 29 in Tripoli. Gunmen murdered a former Benina airbase worker and his son in Benghazi. The Interior Ministry, which fired 200 people last week, admitted that over 700 certificates with forged qualifications had been submitted by employees.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
