
The deputy of the opposition CHP party showed news media yesterday copies of official records confirming that Syria-bound trucks stopped in January by unwitting local authorities in Adana were carrying rockets that Turkish intelligence was supplying to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The military claimed that two soldiers and six Kurdish fighters were killed in a clash in the border town of Ceylanpınar; the YPG denied its fighters were involved. Mehmet Görmez, head of the Religious Affairs Directorate, called the Islamic State’s caliphate “illegitimate,” warned that the group’s intolerance of other faiths “heralds the collapse of a civilization,” and stated that of the 1,000 Muslims killed daily worldwide, “[a]lmost 90 percent of them are killed by other Muslims, their brothers. Muslims need not look beyond themselves for the causes of these conflicts.”



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
