
Regime forces are beginning to close in on Aleppo, and the Islamic State is moving into the countryside north of Aleppo. The IS targeted the town of Ikhtren in north Aleppo, and the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Al Zahra, Khan Toman, Al-Brej, Kafar Segher, and near Aleppo central prison. The IS has displaced tens of thousands of Deir Izzour residents in Khasham, Tabeyyet Jazeera, and Al Shhil, and is negotiating terms of “repentance,” involving displacement, for the towns of Granij, Abo Hamam, and Al Keshkeyyi; regime airstrikes targeted IS-held areas in Mo Hasan, Al Mayadin, Khasham, and Al Kasra. The IS blew up a shrine in Albu Kamal; protests against the IS were held in Al Qureyyi and Al Ashara. A sound bomb was thrown at a rebel battalion headquarters in Al sh’ytat. in Homs, the IS ambushed Al Nusrah fighters retreating from Deir Izzour three days ago. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Hama and Idlib. The Islamic Front battled regime forces in Deraa, where it was attacked by Al Nusrah in Zayzon; the Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Reef Dimashq. Repeated rebel attacks on the power infrastructure in southern Syria have led to electricity rationing in the area. Druze leaders in Sweida beat up members of a military intelligence patrol.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
