
The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour, where the IS took over Al Rez, bombarded areas in Al Shhil said to have served as Al Nusrah’s main headquarters in Syria, arrested people in Albu Kamal, and was targeted by regime airstrikes near Al Bisri. In Raqqah, the IS called for people to people swear allegiance to IS caliph al Baghdadi as Amir Al Mumnin (commander of the believers), and regime airstrikes targeted IS-held areas in Raqqah city. In Aleppo, the IS battled the Islamic Front, the Al Akrad Front Brigade, and rebels. Eleven rebel groups in Aleppo and Raqqah, including the Raqqa Rebel Brigade and the Kurdish Front, threatened to quit fighting if they do not receive reinforcements and weapons within a week. Jaysh al Islam leader Zahran Alloush called IS fighters “dirty bastards, with an evil ideology,” and urged efforts against the IS. In Reef Dimashq, the Islamic Front and Jaysh al Islam clashed with the IS in Mida’a and with regime forces in Ayn Terma: and both the Islamic Front and Al Nusrah fought against regime forces near Esal El Wared on the Syrian- Lebanese border and near Al Mleha. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front also battled regime forces in Homs and Idlib. Regime authorities removed roadblocks in western Damascus, citing improved security.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
