Monthly Archives: July 2014


Iraq crisis: ISIS rebels ‘hunt opponents’, say refugees

United Kingdom

About 100 British imams issued an appeal for UK Muslims to support those affected by the crisis in Syria and Iraq “from the UK in a safe and responsible way,” not by traveling to the region. A news report claimed that in 2012, the UK military was considering plans to train and equip a 100,000-strong […]


In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State took over Boqros after the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and other Islamic Front factions withdrew; the IS also took control of the Attank oilfield from a sharia body consisting of Al Nusrah, the Army of Islam, and other Islamic Front factions; and negotiated terms for the surrender […]


At least two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in an assault on the government complex in Baydah. Seventeen people were killed during fighting between tribes and government forces in the south. Ansar al Sharia, AQAP’s political front, claimed it killed 20 Houthis in Al Jawf.


A grenade was thrown into a Tripoli bakery that was open during Ramadan fasting hours. A judge called for the death sentence for a Syrian woman who possessed detonators and had passed them on to an accomplice. Security forces are bracing for an attack at Roumieh prison; two inmates have been managing a terror network […]


The military claimed it killed 17 jihadists in clashes in the Sinai and arrested three more in Rafah. A bomb exploded at the Sidi Gaber train station in Alexandria, wounding at least five people. On the one-year anniversary of the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood supporters staged protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Asiut, […]

Benghazi suspect has ‘extensive contacts’ with jihadist leaders in Libya

In a court filing earlier this week, the US government argued that the only suspect in custody for the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya should remain in pretrial detention. Prosecutors cited his “extensive contacts” with senior members of other jihadist organizations and plans for additional attacks as reasons to keep him behind bars as he awaits trial.

Islamic State consolidates gains in eastern Syria

With the fall of Mayadin as well as Shujail, the home town of the Al Nusrah Front’s emir, the Islamic State controls contiguous territory along the Euphrates River Valley from the town of Jarabulus, which borders Turkey, in Syria’s northern Aleppo province to the town of Anah in Anbar province in Iraq.


Prominent lawmaker Ahmed Mohamud Hayd was killed along with his bodyguard in a drive-by shooting in Mogadishu that was claimed by Shabaab; another lawmaker, Abdullahi Ahmed Hussein Onka, and a secretary were wounded in the attack. Shabaab spokesman Abdulaziz Abu Musab threatened that the group would target other lawmakers for assassination if they do not […]


The US Embassy warned of a “specific” terrorist threat to Entebbe Airport. Security has been heightened in the city, and police said that terrorists had already conducted trial runs of the attack. Shabaab suicide bombers killed 70 people in a 2010 attack in Kampala during the World Cup, and the group has threatened to attack […]


Unarmed Drones Aid UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa


Two members of the Benghazi Security Directorate’s Investigation Unit were gunned down on their way to work. Benghazi’s Jalaa Hospital has asked the government to intervene to resolve the standoff between Ansar al Sharia and the Benghazi Joint Security Room (BJSR) at the hospital. The Libyan Embassy in Tanzania said acting ambassador Ismail Nwairat committed […]


The US Embassy in Algiers warned that a “terrorist group” may attack near US-owned or operated hotels in Algeria on July 4 (US Independence Day) or July 5 (Algeria’s Independence Day). A Tunisian official recently told an Algerian news outlet that Mokhtar Belmokhtar a.k.a. Belaouer is currently in Libya, where he is allegedly trying to […]

United States

US officials called for tighter security at foreign airports that have direct flights to the US, following intelligence reports that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Al Nusrah Front in Syria are cooperating on attack plans, and possibly developing currently undetectable bombs capable of downing an airliner. Pentagon chief Gen. Martin Dempsey denied […]


Hamas, Islamic Jihad warn Israel about retaliation in Gaza


A suicide bomber killed eight members of the Afghan National Air Force in an attack on a bus in the capital of Kabul. The Taliban claimed the suicide attack in Kabul. Security forces captured nine members of a suicide cell in Khost.


Prime Minister Maliki offered amnesty to Sunni tribes that are supporting the Islamic State and other insurgent groups. Security forces clashed with a Shia militia in Karbala; several security personnel and followers of Mahmud al Sarkhi were killed.