Monthly Archives: July 2014


Shabaab claimed yesterday’s attacks in the coastal towns of Gamba and Hindi, where at least 29 people were killed by gunmen. The Shabaab militants also broke into the Gamba jail during the attack, freeing a number of inmates, including suspects in the recent attacks in nearby Mpeketoni. The attackers also burned buildings, including a church, […]


Just days after the US Embassy warned of a “specific” terror threat to Entebbe Airport, gunmen allegedly from a local militia attacked three police stations and a military barracks in western Uganda near the Congo border, killing over 60 people, including several policemen as well as some 40 civilians. Security forces claimed to have killed […]


The Pakistani military claimed it killed “scores” of “terrorists” during airstrikes in Miramshah in North Waziristan. “Most of the terrorists killed in strikes are Uzbeks,” the ISPR claimed. One soldier was killed in an IED attack in the tribal agency.


The Taliban torched upwards of 400 fuel tankers and supply trucks in an attack on a trucking terminal in Kabul province. Several drivers are reported to be missing. The military said it killed six Taliban fighters in Badakhshan and 11 more in operations in Nangarhar, Kunduz, and Kandahar.


Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the emir of the Islamic State who is now called Caliph Ibrahim, gave a sermon at the “Grand Mosque” in Mosul. The Iraqi military claimed the sermon was faked. An Iranian colonel is confirmed to have been killed while fighting in Samarra. Prime Minister Maliki relieved the commanders of Iraq’s ground […]


The Islamic State has taken control of all of Syria’s main oil and gas fields. In Deir Izzour, the Eben Al Qayyem Brigade and Al Hamza battalion clashed with the IS in Abo Hamam; protesters in Granij called for jihad against the IS; and tribal leaders in Abo Hamam, Granji, and Al Keshkeyyi negotiated with […]


An Omani member of Fatah was sentenced to life in prison. Police searched for a car bomb in Beirut. The Iranian ambassador said his country is willing to help Lebanon fight terrorism. Authorities are seeking to prosecute the operators of an alleged Twitter account of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade, which recently threatened attacks […]


The Yemeni military killed an estimated 70 people in airstrikes that targeted Houthi rebels north of the capital of Sana’a. The air force launched the airstrikes after the most recent peace agreement with the Shia rebels broke down.


A court sentenced 10 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to death (eight in absentia) for murder and other crimes; and issued life sentences to 37 others, including supreme guide Mohamed Badie. Sheikh Yusef al Qaradawi, a Qatar-based spiritual leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, said the Islamic State’s recent declaration of a caliphate violates sharia law.

Saudi Arabia

Two militants blew themselves up inside a government building in the Sharurah area, near the Wadia border post in Yemen that was attacked by a group of al Qaeda fighters yesterday. The two militants had been surrounded by Saudi forces who were searching for the attackers, who had also killed a Saudi border patrol officer.


In Iraq, Islamic State jihadists destroy ancient mosques, shrines


A Shabaab suicide car bombing outside the main gate of Parliament in Mogadishu killed four people, including two policemen. Seven children were among the many wounded in the attack, which took place at a checkpoint.


A car bomb in Benghazi killed a Saiqa special forces officer and injured his son; a car bomb in March killed the officer’s brother. An air force officer was murdered in Benghazi yesterday. Nineteen people have been murdered in Benghazi since the start of Ramadan, including three Salafist imams; the killing of the imams is […]

Al Qaeda

How a talented footballer became world’s most wanted man, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi


Some 200 heavily armed Boko Haram heavily gunmen stormed Damboa in Borno state yesterday, killing at least 12 soldiers, four policemen, and four civilians, and destroying the police headquarters as well as homes and shops. Security forces and aircraft responded to the attack, reportedly killing 50 terrorists. Boko Haram also carried out a suicide car […]


A former Turkish fighter with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Syria claimed that as many as 6,000 Turks have gone to Syria to fight, “thousands” have joined the Islamic State, and that of an estimated 23,000 ISIS fighters in Syria, 17,000 have sworn to fight in the organization until they die. […]


Malaysian police confirmed that wanted Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli Abdhir, also known as Marwan, is alive and may be working with Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines; he had previously been reported killed in an airstrike in the Philippines in February 2012. Authorities are seeking to arrest Abdhir, an expert bombmaker with global jihadist links. Malaysian authorities […]


Iraq lacks ability to fly F-16s it seeks, US trainer says


The Islamic State took over the al Tanak oil field in eastern Deir Izzour, and is also advancing north up the Euphrates River toward the Turkish border. Elsewhere in Deir Izzour, 30 IS fighters broke out of an Al Nusrah Front jail in Al Hawayej, and residents of Al Shhil have turned over their weapons […]


A suspected al Qaeda suicide car bombing at the Wadia border crossing in Hadramout province killed one soldier and wounded another. After Yemeni security forces gave chase, the attackers fled in two cars into the desert, then reportedly carried out an attack on the Saudi side of the border post, where they killed a Saudi […]