Monthly Archives: July 2014


Six people were murdered in Benghazi last night, including a Saiqa special forces soldier. Sabri police station in Benghazi was bombed to the ground in two attacks over the past two days. In response to recent Ansar al Sharia attacks on Benina Airbase, Khalid Haftar’s Operation Dignity forces bombed Ansar Al-Sharia and 17 February Brigade […]


The Interior Ministry said authorities have stepped up security at airports after a request by the US triggered by fresh concerns that al Qaeda may be trying to smuggle bombs on board airliners to the US. The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency has warned that Islamist terrorism has become the number one threat to […]

United Kingdom

Birmingham residents Nahin Ahmed and Yusuf Sarwar, both 22, who had fought in Syria for jihadist groups and were arrested on their return to the UK, pled guilty to terrorism charges. Although police believe the two fought for the Al Nusrah Front, they had initially said they were planning to join the Emigrant’s Army, and […]


France set to prevent jihadists going to fight or train abroad


Israel steps up Gaza offensive and prepares for possible ground invasion

AQAP praises Ayman al Zawahiri, defends jihadist scholars against ‘slander’

Nasir al Wuhayshi, who is the emir of AQAP as well as al Qaeda’s general manager, has released a poem praising Ayman al Zawahiri as the “Sheikh father.” A video from two leading AQAP ideologues decrying the “slander” of jihadist leaders was released shortly afterwards. Al Qaeda members are trumpeting the messages as rebuttals to the Islamic State and its newly announced caliphate.


Australia is planning to build a new ground station near Geraldton to help the US direct unmanned drone attacks on terrorists and allow Australian and American forces to respond more quickly to crises. Lawmakers are considering giving police the authority to conduct surveillance and collect evidence in war zones such as Syria and Iraq. Foreign […]


Europe employs outreach program to rehabilitate Islamist extremists


Regime forces are beginning to close in on Aleppo, and the Islamic State is moving into the countryside north of Aleppo. The IS targeted the town of Ikhtren in north Aleppo, and the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Al Zahra, Khan Toman, Al-Brej, Kafar Segher, and near Aleppo central […]


Jihadists demolish Sunni and Shiite mosques and shrines in Mosul


An Al Nusrah Front official in Qalamoun, Syria released a speech claiming that the terror group has penetrated security and has “thousands” of mujahideen inside Lebanon ready to begin battle against Shiite villages; he also promised speedy relief to inmates in Roumieh and other prisons. The military prosecutor charged 28 suspects with membership in the […]

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced four al Qaeda supporters, one in absentia, to jail terms ranging from two to five-and-a-half years. The suspects had tried to travel to Iraq, and had also helped others travel “to fight in troubled nations.”


Hamas vowed to avenge the deaths of eight militants killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza; five were reportedly killed in a strike on a smuggling tunnel in Rafah. The Israeli military claimed it had targeted “terror sites and concealed rocket launchers” and that strikes had hit at least 14 locations in response to the firing […]


Two Bahrainis were accused of injuring two police officers with a remotely detonated bomb in Demistan in December. A police officer was killed by a bombing in Eker in July 5. Prime Minister Khalifa urged a resolute stand against terrorism.


The trial of former president Mohamed Morsi and 130 others, including Muslim Brotherhood leaders Mohamed Badie and Khairat al-Shater, as well as members of Hamas and Hezbollah, most of whom are at large, was postponed to July 13. Four suspected Islamists were killed while making bombs on July 4 at a Fayoum farm owned by […]


Abderazak Cherif, a Frenchman of Tunisian origin from Nice, told news media that his 17-year-old son left the Al Nusrah Front in Syria and crossed the Turkish border to rejoin his father; Cherif’s older son is still in Syria fighting with rebels. The 17-year-old was arrested on his return for belonging to a terrorist group […]

United States

The Transportation Security Agency began requiring that electronic devices brought on board US-bound flights will power up, due to fears they may have been turned into bombs. Khairullozhon Matanov, a friend of Boston Marathan bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was accused of lying to the FBI and deleting files on his computer relating to the Tsarnaevs. Recently […]


Egypt’s president says al-Jazeera journalists should never have been tried