
Security sources warned that suicide bombers from the Al Nusrah Front and other extremist groups are preparing to launch attacks, possibly in Shiite and Christian areas. Extremists from Syria infiltrated into Arsal and executed the father of a teenage boy who had been similarly executed in Arsal last month. Would-be Saudi suicide bomber Ali al-Thweni was charged with membership in the ISIS, possession of car bombs and a suicide belt, and recruiting suicide bombers for attacks in Lebanon. A rocket fired from the Eastern Mountains landed in a Bekaa Valley town. In a video posted on July 6, the Islamic State threatened to release Muslim captives from jails in Lebanon and elsewhere and “liquidate” judges, security forces, and guards. Moustafa Abdul Hay, a 22-year-old from Tripoli who joined the Ahrar al Sham two years ago and more recently joined the ISIS, reportedly became the first Lebanese suicide bomber in Iraq since the declaration of the IS caliphate. Hezbollah’s deputy secretary general, Sheikh Naim Qassem, claimed that the terrorist group Islamic State is sponsored by the US.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
