
An Al Nusrah Front official in Qalamoun, Syria released a speech claiming that the terror group has penetrated security and has “thousands” of mujahideen inside Lebanon ready to begin battle against Shiite villages; he also promised speedy relief to inmates in Roumieh and other prisons. The military prosecutor charged 28 suspects with membership in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, planning to carry out suicide and other bomb attacks, training suicide bombers for attacks in Beirut, and purchasing materials for bombs; seven of the suspects are in custody. A grenade blew up near a Tripoli cafe; four suspects have been arrested for recent grenade attacks in the city. A judge called for the death penalty for two Syrian brothers, along with four other Syrians, accused of membership in the Ziad Jarrah Brigades and preparing arms and explosives for use in Syria; one of the brothers, Mahmoud Mohammad Rabii, is at large. Two men, a Sudanese and a Tunisian, were arrested in Tripoli on security-related charges. Police arrested Qassem Husseini, the leader of a 50-member Bekaa Valley kidnapping gang, along with his brother Zein al-Abidine al-Husseini. Syrian airstrikes bombed “groups of gunmen” in Arsal yesterday.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
