
Regime forces attacked an ISIS office in Hasakah, clashed with ISIS fighters over the Sha’r gas field in Homs, and attacked the ISIS headquarters and sharia court in Raqqah city in Raqqah. The regime airstrikes against ISIS strongholds in eastern Syria were coordinated with Iraq. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Reef Dimashq, Aleppo, and Homs. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Idlib. A video surfaced purporting to show Zahran Alloush, head of the Islamic Front’s Islam Army, urging rebels to carry on their offensive in Damascus. Regime forces have taken over Kasab in Latakia and are flushing out remaining rebel pockets. Under the June 9 amnesty act, the Assad regime has released over 1,500 prisoners from its jails; the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that over 70,000 prisoners arrested three years ago are expected to be released soon.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
