
A spokesman for Khalid Haftar’s “Operation Dignity” forces denied responsibility for a June 7 RPG attack on the Dar al-Ifta institute in Tripoli by two unidentified gunmen, and claimed that Haftar’s forces are busy fighting terrorism in Benghazi, where they conducted special operations in Al-Hawari, Sidi Faraj, and Gwarsha. Two bombs detonated on June 6 outside the Tripoli home of former Supreme Security Committee head Hashim Bishr, damaging six homes and destroying 13 vehicles, but no one was hurt. Ansar al Sharia and the Abu Sleem Martyrs Brigade, another Islamist group, have been clashing violently for days in Derna; leaders of both groups have been targeted by car bombings. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the election of Ahmed Maetig by the GNC was unconstitutional; accordingly, Abdullah Thinni remains as Prime Minister. Grand Mufti Sheikh Sadik Al-Ghariani called on Ansar al Sharia to participate in upcoming elections and to refute charges against it. A spokesman for Haftar’s forces has warned that Islamist militants are trying to control areas near the Algerian and Tunisian borders after being partially driven out of Benghazi.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
