
The spokesman for Khalid Haftar’s “Operation Dignity” forces ordered Turks and Qataris in eastern Libya “from Sirte to Musaid” on the Egyptian border to leave the country within 48 hours, referring to Turkish and Qatari intelligence operatives disclosed by captured al Qaeda members in Benghazi. A major firefight broke out at Benghazi’s port yesterday after a large shipment of hashish was discovered on a ship arriving from Malta. Murders and disappearances continue in Benghazi, where two security force members were assassinated, and a severed head was recently found. A senior “Operation Dignity” official said Haftar’s forces will continue to inderdict the shipment of weapons to Ansar al Sharia and the Libya Shield, and claimed that Ansar al Sharia still maintains a huge stockpile in the Jabal Al-Akhdar area.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
