
Abdulhakim Belhaj, a co-founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and former leader of the Tripoli Military Council, claimed to be against terrorism and announced that the LIFG had dissolved before the beginning of the revolution, but said he was opposed to Khalid Haftar’s Libyan National Army “Dignity Campaign” that seeks to rid the country of Islamist extremists. Belhaj denied allegations that during a recent visit to Sudan he had organized the shipment of military supplies, and that the supplies had been sent from Sudan to the Mitiga Airbase. A spokesman for Haftar’s forces has claimed that 270 weapons cargoes have been shipped from Sudan to Mitiga for Islamist forces over the past three years. Haftar’s forces have denied rumors of a ceasefire. The Interior Ministry said its forces would provide security at Tripoli petrol stations. Deputy Prime Minister Sadiq Abdulkarim is said to be living under heavy protection in Malta; he fled Libya in March after the GNC sacked former prime minister Ali Zeidan.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
