Monthly Archives: June 2014


The Red Cross said 52 people are missing following a suspected Shabaab attack on the coastal town of Mpeketoni on June 15; the next day 15 more people were killed in an attack on a nearby village. President Kenyatta claimed that the attack was politically motivated and not the work of Shabaab. Witnesses claimed that […]


UN investigators warn of wider sectarian war across Iraq, Syria


US officials said that Ahmed Abu Khattala, the alleged ringleader of Ansar al Sharia’s deadly September 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi, was captured by US commandos during a raid near Benghazi on June 15. Khalid Hafter, head of the “Operation Dignity” forces, warned foreign militants to leave Libya or be killed there; […]


Iraq’s Maliki defies call to reach out, accuses Saudis of ‘genocide’

US adds AQAP leader involved in embassy plot to terrorist list

Shawki Ali Ahmed al Badani was involved in the 2013 plot to attack US diplomatic facilities throughout the world, as well as the US embassy in Sana’a and a suicide attack that killed more than 100 Yemeni soldiers. The US targeted Badani in a drone strike late last year.


Security forces dismantled a terrorist cell in El Oued in Souf, near the Tunisian border, that was financing jihadists across the border in Kasserine. Eleven people were arrested and 115,000 euros was seized during the raid.


Spanish authorities arrested nine members of a jihadist cell in Madrid yesterday that recruited fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Syria and Iraq. The cell is led by Moroccan national Lahcen Ikassrien, 47, a former Guantanamo detainee who was handed over in 2005 to Spain, where he was released after […]

United Kingdom

The trial of two suspected terrorists, Erol Incedal, a British national of Turkish origin, and Mounir Rarmoul-Bouhadjar, a British national of Algerian origin, who are both 26 and from London, was delayed until October. The Court of Appeal recently blocked the government’s attempt to hold the first completely secret criminal trial, ruling that while the […]


The Pakistani military has claimed it killed more than 170 “terrorists” in a series of “precise strikes” in North Waziristan. The military claims no civilians were killed, and said most of those killed were “Uzbeks” or members of the Turkistan Islamic Party.


The Taliban killed two poll workers and a policeman in an attack on a convoy that was transporting ballots in Helmand, and five members of a family in an IED attack in Kandahar. The United Nations said that al Qaeda and allied groups remain a major threat to Afghanistan and the wider region.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham took control of Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq. The military claimed it killed 20 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Balad and an ISIS commander from Algeria and four aides in Fallujah. The military also claimed it retook Jurf al Sakhar and killed 28 ISIS fighters.

ISIS ‘a transnational jihadist group’

Thomas Joscelyn discusses Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, its goals to establish a caliphate and current offensive in Iraq, the destabilizing influence of Iran, and the West’s lack of strategy to deal with jihadism.


German police arrested French jihadist Tewffik Bouallag in Berlin as he arrived on a flight from Istanbul. Bouallag, a native Frenchman, reportedly fought in Syria with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and is thought to have returned to Europe to recruit fighters for Syria or to plan attacks.


Iraq forces blunt ISIS advance, US Embassy bolsters security


The defense minister claimed that 146 Taliban fighters, 39 civilians, and 18 soldiers were killed during election day violence. A Taliban suicide assault team killed three policemen in an attack in Kandahar; seven members of the Taliban team were killed in the attack. The Taliban killed 11 civilians in an IED attack in Samangan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s Salahaddin Division released photographs of the execution of scores soldiers captured at Tasfirat prison in the city of Tikrit. The ISIS killed 15 people in bombings in Baghdad, and launched attacks on Tal Afar and Tarmiyah. The military claimed it killed 80 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in […]


Regime forces attacked an ISIS office in Hasakah, clashed with ISIS fighters over the Sha’r gas field in Homs, and attacked the ISIS headquarters and sharia court in Raqqah city in Raqqah. The regime airstrikes against ISIS strongholds in eastern Syria were coordinated with Iraq. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime […]


A Saudi news outlet claimed that Hezbollah is sending more fighters into Syria as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham continues its offensive in Iraq. Gunmen from Syria crossed over into Arsal but fled back across the border when Lebanese forces fired at them. Firefighters in Akkar stopped a blaze from reaching a […]


Suspected Shabaab gunmen attacked Mpeketoni police station in Lamu county, then set fire to three hotels, a restaurant, and a police station before fleeing. At least six people were killed in the attack, but the casualty count is likely to rise; the Red Cross was unable to visit the town due to ongoing violence. Political […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed eight people while opening fire on a bus that was transporting medical personnel. Troops from the Presidential Guards surrounded a mosque in Sana’a that is run by former President Saleh after rumors of coup swirled in the capital.