Monthly Archives: June 2014


The Al Nusrah Front detained and tortured three youths in Arsal after accusing them of stealing a motorbike; all three were hospitalized with broken limbs. The military cordoned off an area near a Syrian refugee camp in Akkar after grenades were found. The World Bank has estimated that the Syrian conflict has cost Lebanon over […]


Kenyan Defense Forces killed two Kenyan Muslim clerics in a shootout in Khadija Haji, Shafshafey; a Somali thought to be a key Shabaab member escaped across the border into Somalia. The three suspects were said to be planning a terrorist attack on Mandera town, where the two clerics allegedly belonged to a Shabaab group. The […]


Sudan denies plans to free woman sentenced to death for apostasy

Al Qaeda

France – Parallel lives: the Brussels suspect and the Toulouse shooter


Khalid Haftar’s Libyan National Army claimed that it now controls about 80 percent of Benghazi, after clashes and airstrikes that included bombing the former Crown Prince’s palace in the Fuwayhat area, which Ansar al Sharia was using as a headquarters. Medics reported that at least 20 people have been killed and 67 wounded, including civilians, […]


State media claimed that Cameroonian forces killed 40 Boko Haram militants yesterday in clashes west of Kousseri, near the borders with Nigeria and Chad. Two Italian nuns and a priest kidnapped by suspected Boko Haram militants in Maroua on April 4 and held in Cameroon have been released.


Suspected Boko Haram militants bombed a sports bar near a military special operations base in Mubi in Adamawa state yesterday, killing at least 18 people and injuring 19; a suspect has been arrested. Over 10 gunmen attacked worshipers at a church in Attangara in Borno state, killing nine people; vigilantes killed four of the attackers […]

US Military

We lost soldiers in the hunt for Bergdahl, a guy who walked off in the dead of night


The Foreign Ministry announced the arrest today of four people in Paris and southern France who are part of a jihadist recruiting network that sends fighters to Syria. On May 30, French authorities in Marseille arrested Mehdi Nemmouche, a suspect in the killing of three people at a Jewish museum in Brussels on May 24, […]


Nearly 800 killed in Iraq’s bloodiest month this year: UN