
Nine top Free Syrian Army commanders resigned, citing an absence of donor support that disadvantaged them against the Assad regime and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The Al Nusrah Front and allied rebel groups, including the Islamic Front, pulled out of the border town of Kasab in Latakia, and withdrew to the Jabal al-Akrad area. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Homs; Reef Dimashq; and Aleppo, where the al Tawhid brigade prevented cars from passing through the Bab al Salama crossing and FSA fighters extracted $100 bribes from cars at the crossing. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Deraa, where it was joined by rebels, and many regime soldiers were killed and some of them beheaded; in Idlib; in Damascus; and in Hama. In Deir Izzour, a car bombing at an arms market in Mayadeen, an area controlled by Al Nusrah, killed at least eight civilians; Al Nusrah reportedly brought into the country five Humvees and three other vehicles that were captured from the Iraqi army. In Hasakah, regime warplanes bombed areas under the control of the ISIS, including one of its bases; and a suicide car bombing killed at least 10 civilians near a Kurdish forces base.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
