
Kenyan Defense Forces killed two Kenyan Muslim clerics in a shootout in Khadija Haji, Shafshafey; a Somali thought to be a key Shabaab member escaped across the border into Somalia. The three suspects were said to be planning a terrorist attack on Mandera town, where the two clerics allegedly belonged to a Shabaab group. The suspects threw grenades at the KDF forces during the attack, and eight more grenades were recovered. KDF forces have been deployed to Mandera to help police deal with insecurity. One man was killed and three injured by a grenade attack in Garissa. An attacker injured in a clash after throwing a grenade at police in Kilifi died. In Wajir, a curfew was imposed after four days of clashes, and KDF forces confiscated bundles of military uniforms that may have been destined for Shabaab.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
