
Al-Mahdi Saad Abu Al-Abyad, a leading member of Ansar al Sharia in Derna, was killed; Ansar al Sharia and the Abu Slim Martyrs Brigade have been clashing in the city since June 6. A member of the Counter Crime Agency was murdered in Benghazi. Political activist Mohamed Bughaighis escaped an assassination attempt in Benghazi; writing scrawled on his house said “What use to you is Haftar?” Salafist preacher Ashraf Al-Maya, a founder of the 17 February Brigade, defected to Haftar’s forces. Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the leader of Libya’s former National Transitional Council, called for the dismissal of Grand Mufti Sheikh Sadik Al-Ghariani after he said Libyans who fight against Haftar’s forces will die as martyrs and those who support him are infidels.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
