United States

El Mehdi Semlali Fathi, 26, a Moroccan resident of Bridgeport, Conn., was arrested on immigration charges yesterday; the complaint filed in federal court alleged that he repeatedly expressed a desire to bomb a federal building in Connecticut and an unspecified university outside the state. Secretary of State Kerry claimed that the threatened US strike on Syria late last summer would not have been significant enough to change the course of the conflict. In a recent article summarily dismissed by the US, it was alleged that a very large intervention had been planned. Kerry warned that Iran has the capability to produce fissile material for a nuclear bomb in two months. An Israeli media report claimed the US is now providing Syrian rebels with heavy antitank BGM-71 TOW missiles; similar weapons were seen in a video featuring the Harakat Hazm group.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
