
Both state media and rebel sources claimed that a poison gas attack injured dozens of people in the village of Kfar Zeita in Hama, and blamed each other. State media said the attack involved chlorine gas and was carried out by the Al Nusrah Front, and warned that the group was planning other chemical attacks in Hama and in the Wadi Deif area of Idlib. Al Nusrah tried to take over a regime checkpoint in Idlib. Al Nusrah and Islamic fighters clashed with regime forces in Hama; in Reef Dimashq; in Latakia, where they were joined by the Junoud al Sham, Ahrar al Sham, Sham al Islam, and Ansar al Sham; and in Aleppo, where, in some of the fiercest fighting in two years in the city, they were joined by the al Muhajireen army, al Ansar battalion, and rebels. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against Kurdish YPG forces in Aleppo. Al Nusrah released a video in which an Australian member of its sharia council provided background on the long-simmering dispute between Al Nusrah and ISIS.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
