
A vehicle blew up in a market near a police station in rebel-controlled Homs city, killing 29 Islamic fighters, including two commanders. State media said the car was being packed with explosives, but some activists said an ammunition depot had been struck by a regime rocket, while a rebel said the Al Nusrah Front and others had been preparing a car bomb. A rebel mortar killed two people and wounded five when it hit the Damascus Opera House, state media said. In Latakia, the Nusrat al-Mathloum coalition threatened rocket attacks on Alawite neighborhoods in retaliation for regime barrel bombings, and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Hama and in Reef Dimashq. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham beheaded a man in Aleppo, where it also battled Kurdish YPG forces; and clashed with Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front in Hasakah. A senior Islamic battalion commander shot and killed two rebel soldiers and wounded a third at the Sajjo checkpoint near the Bab al Salama crossing in Aleppo when they refused to allow him into the area.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
